Monday, September 23, 2013

Ride, Don't Walk

The built environment can be difficult to navigate when using a wheelchair. The buildings we had to navigate had some positive design elements that made it easier to get through. The larger elevator in Carpenter is easier to turn around in, compared to the cramped elevator in Daggy. The larger hallways in Carpenter also make it easier to get around and not crash into things. Basically, more space and room is a plus when you are in a wheelchair.

I believe the designed environment should be made for everyone. Someone might not have to use a wheelchair everyday, but there are people who have accidents, surgery, or circumstances where they need assistance or extra space to get around. For example, when my dad got his knee replaced it was very difficult for him to get through the front door because of the steps. A zero-step entry might not be necessary one day, but circumstances change for everyone. That is why the built environment should be inclusive, and make it easier for everyone to navigate and get around.